Anyone use Dorian Step 2 Anki deck? Trying to figure out a main deck for MS3. Emma Holliday Step 2. 1. so far during M3 year I have been doing the Dorian UW sections of whichever rotation I am in and liking it, but curious about the prep for step2. ·. Dirty OMM. Should i not do the uworld,nbme,amboss cards for each section. Some cards are also drawn from the Zanki step 2 deck. How long does it take to mature all of it; doing 200 new card per day?. So if you average score would be say 240 having a good CS bad test day. It takes more time but is more worth it imo. Zanki Step 2 Medicine. Tzanki, it has similar concept cards like wiwa, zanki. I just released an AnKing Overhaul deck for step 2 that combines cheesy dorian and zanki step 2 and removes a lot of duplicates. Description. Nic’s Step 3 Anki Deck. kinda has everything at one place. Wouldnt it just falsely elevate my scores and make uworld useless? I was thinking of just making my own uworld cards as i progress thro the deck/uworld. Great content lovin it so far. ago. 0 in order to nail down a couple of facts or associations you want to learn instead. Which. It takes the psychiatry section of Master The Boards USMLE Step 2 CK as its primary source. . Plan on taking the exam in the next 5 months . OBGYN Doc Anki Deck. Anking's step 2 deck relies too heavily on memorising random cards with no prior review of the subject imo (unlike Anking's Step1 deck which was really great and organised by videos). First of all we have to talk about foundation from basic subjects in medical school. Similar to Dorian’s deck, the cards are mainly cloze format. For Anki, I used the Anking Step 2 deck. The six decks we’ll be covering are. larrydavid91 • 3 yr. ago. I ended up deleting or merging a few thousand cards to lower my card count and make my life easier. Yeah, it's cheesy Dorian + Zanki step 2 + relevant Zanki step 1 cards. Best anki deck for step2. Redditor Dorian has made 3 subdecks for surgery based on different resources. WHAT'S IN THE DECK? In total, there are almost 30k flashcards. What is the best Anki deck for step2 CK. 11. alongro5 •. . I left a good chunk of the MedicalArk cards untouched, mainly the AMBOSS ones because I didn’t do that question bank. For that reason, the goal of this deck was to be something that is more manageable. 0 audio & 784 images. There was only one deck, which I called Step 2CK, and I only used a handful of tags. Fair warning that a solid Step 1 deck is recommended since it’s more focused towards management like Step 2 than pathophys. Good day. OnlineMedEd videos if you like his teaching style. The majority of it is made up of cards from Zanki/Anking but with a lot of useful extras. Dorian vs. It does include some Step 1 cards that were just duplicated by Dorian and Zanki when. He/She made his deck from OME (to provide a quick foundation), Emma (shelf review), and uWorld (practice questions) with the goal of prepping for the shelf and Step II. Anyone who recently took the Step 3 exam use the Dorian Step 3 Anki Deck, did you find reviewing the Step 1 section 👇 (cards) help you answer any of the Step 1 questions on Day 1 of the test? Thanks. Includes many additions from us and other resources, including Sketchy! See all the core decks below:. This deck is built with rapid review in mind, keeping one fact to a card via the cloze format. For this reason, you'll see a mix of. In similar situation and using Cheesy Dorian! I feel like it's pretty comprehensive + not as overwhelming as the Zanki deck. Any comments on Dorian or other decks appreciated! Using wiwa rn and supplementing with. This week's video is all about how to set up your Anki deck for step 2! This video will go over downloading the latest Anking deck, suspending the correct c. I haven’t taken step 2 yet (in a month) but I have tried Doc, Dorian, and wiwa. Planning on writing in mid August 2022. @AshleyGP_MD. Click the download link that only says step 2 with media instead of step 1 and 2 with media. UWORLD content based on tzanki but added some side notes like content from sketchy BandB etc. Completely unrelated, my one recommendation is to move the Step 2 Assessment subdeck outside of the Cheesy Deck completely because anytime you. Brilliant deck! Used this in conjunction with UWorld, passed Step 2 CK with 241 score. Used this deck exclusively during 3rd year to study for shelves and eventually Step 2. Psychiatry Doc Anki Deck. They vary in the number of flashcards, so some will be easier to finish than others. This is a work-in-progress deck meaning that it is not entirely complete, but I felt I had made enough. If your current step 1 deck is updated to my card type, then installing this deck will import tags into the step 1 cards so that you can keep the step 1 cards that are step 2 relevant going and not have to relearn. Info. I recently started studying for CK and was about to start the Doc deck on Anki. Score: 273. The Best Family Medicine Decks The 4 decks we’ll be looking at are: Dorian’s M3 Family Medicine Deck (best for differential diagnoses) ; Hoop’s Drugs with Dosages, Interactions Anki Deck (high yield drugs) ; USPSTF A,B and D Recommendations FM Clerkship (for USPSTF guidelines) ; Aquifer Family Medicine Anki Deck (most comprehensive); Each. However, I came across the post from Dorian about his score. This video explains some basic tips for using the AnKing Overhaul Deck for Step 2 including how it is integrated with the Step 1 deck and how to set up custo. Doran Step 3 Anki Deck. Its 11k cards though vs 3k from just tzanki outdated since it hasnt been updated since 2019 u can just add what you want. Scored 260 on step 2, honors on all shelf exams except surgery using only this deck and UW. hey all, not really sure the difference between the two or which is "better" or more inclusive. Most of the questions are cloze deletions in a short-answer format, since I think this type of card is better for memorizing principles, rather than the structure of the card itself. 88MB. V2 post: I did one more thing: Anki Deck the Sequel (V2) for Step 2 CK UWorld Educational Objectives. Any patient with an acute, severe illness may have abnormal thyroid function tests. AnKingMed • 3 yr. Hoop and Ruck’s Step 3 Anki Deck. A-a_Gradient KaplanVids PFTs Study_Now USMLE_STEP_2CK kaplannotes pulmonology. For step 2 and shelf exams, I think questions are way more important than anything else, so Uworld and Comquest for comlex for sure. Ashley L. I agree with this 10000%! The quick, concise cloze deletions of Dorian's are perfect for repetition during the sporadic downtimes on clinicals. Woul appreciate any advice from previous test takers/those studying for MCCQE. The Step 2 deck V1 (this deck) includes only the step 2 relevant cards. Instead, new decks are recommended such as Dorian Step 3, Hoop & Ruck Step 3, WiWa + Doc Deck, and others. Cheesy dorian anki deck if you're an anki person. Oh, old med students unite! I'm also on the older side. As you’re making and using your flashcard decks, keep in mind the balance between being comprehensive. I am using anking V3. Medicine Doc Anki Deck. Just starting my prep for the step 2ck . More updates to come. Gordon-Phillips, MD, MPH. Could have scored higher if I wasn't also finishing up my PhD thesis at the same time. I have never used anki before and I would like to give it a try in prepping for my step 2ck exams . Goodluck! My humble opinion is that I think it would be counterproductive to try to draw a correlation between step scores and the specific anki deck used. Just to clarify, did you solely just use the Dorian deck for Step 2 or did you make your own cards as well?zanki step 2 vs Dorian. ago. I hd a question. This item is large, and may take some time to download. (Zanki, Pepper. It is NOT necessary to finish the entire deck for Step 2. TLDR; the deck is still unfinished. Unlike other step 2 decks, it is not case. I made this deck in the style of Brosencephalon’s original Step 1 deck, with short questions and limited context clues. Avtandil Kochiashvili — My Step 1 Experience. Anking includes all of cheesy dorian so recommend using Anking since its updated - use the tag "no dupes" under each which is about 7k cards or you can do just step 2 which is approx 5k cards. By the way if you had a different experience using Anking for step 2 I would really like to hear! Maybe I'm just using it wrong. Current resources I am using: UWORLD Step 2, ANKI (cheesy dorian and CANKI), Toronto notes (have yet to start reading these tho lol) I plan on buying the MCCQE official practice tests in a few weeks. When you import the new cards, your current cards will not be affected unless you're using v8, v7, v6, etc. info from amboss, uw . 4. Updated 2019-04-08. The AnKing Overhaul is essentially Dorian but I’ve removed the duplicates. sweet_home_Valyria • 2 yr. I personally find Dorian to be best for shelf exams and clinical performance so I’m using it for step 2 too. I went with Dorian since it’s on the smaller side and I think it covered all the important things at least. It is in anking. - Anki and the Anking Deck is still really good for Step 2 although not as stellar as for Step 1. My Anki settings were. 15. Feedback. The style is the same as my step 2 deck, but it is a lot more concise because there's not really any repeats! I also think there are fewer ambiguous/vague cards compared to the step 2 deck. Which Step 2 anki deck is best : r/Step2. is zanki step2 deck basically the same thing? would you be missing content by. I used Zanki for Step 1 and the majority stuck in my brain. ago. Dorian Step 3 Anki Deck (Step 1 cards) & Test Day 1. May 12, 2021. Custom. I did basic sciences for the first 2. Step 2 dorian deck. 119. Glad you chose to write about this, finishing up shelves right now and have been thinking if there was a possibility screwing myself over for step 2 by solely relying on Dorian's anki deck and uWorld. cheesy dorian v2 actually has about 10k cards. The Step 2 deck, as expected in its name, will help you prepare for your Step 2 USMLE exam. Here’s an updated version of the Dorian deck for Step 2CK. I've dabbled a little with anki but didn't get too deep. Not sure about step 2 but for step 1 if the same student took step 1 on one day and magically also took it on another day their score could differ by as much at 17 points. Doc deck. Ryan's teaching style as well, but it isn't free like OME. I just started using the original Dorian deck (it's great imo) and haven't taken ck, so. Summary: These are surgery shelf anki cards based on Emma Holliday’s powerpoint review + some of OME + some of Pestana. ago. This condition is called { {c1::sick euthyroid syndrome}}, and the most common thyroid hormone pattern in such patients is { {c2::a fall in total and free T3 levels with normal. ago. Best way I've found to replicate that is to rewrite those cards using Amboss as first aid 2. On Reddit user, u/Ruckamongus, like Zanki has created a Step 3 resource deck from UWorld and created an Anki deck for. A crucial factor that helped me achieve a top score was creating my own Anki deck. Cheesy dorian Anki deck. It covers the main points that she lectures on, then has some of the facts from the stuff she didn’t get to. It's honestly probably just longer than original Dorian and not sure how much benefit it will bring, but definitely still a good deck considering it includes Dorian. Probably going to use his method. - A good foundation/Step 1 is the best preparation you can have before starting Step 2. The total number of cards is somewhere around ~5200. . PhDinshitpostingMD • 2 yr. I do a little Zanki every day but prioritize making/doing cards for UWORLD questions I get wrong! I also filter Zanki to do online med Ed cards. Your Reminders. The Emma deck is pretty comprehensive. Hey guys just finished step 1 and was about to start step 2 dorian deck. Some of my. There's also boards and beyond if you like Dr. pelagicwhitetip • 1 yr. Anking V10 is in the sidebar of r/medicalschoolanki /. For personal reasons and stressors, I was unable to finish the full deck in time, but I am back on the grind and I plan to release updates every week or so to eventually complete the deck. If you'd like to customize what appears on the front and back of a card, you can do so by. . When this deck is imported into the desktop program, cards will appear as the deck author has made them. Don’t think I have the time to make my own anki deck . Dorian’s Surgery Anki Decks . For those who are interested in this option, the most comprehensive Anki deck for USMLE Step 2 CK studying is the AnKing Step 2 CK Anki deck, which combines the best parts of the Dorian and Zanki Step 2 and merges with the AnKing Step 1 deck. Cheesy Dorian V2 Anki Deck ; Zanki Step 2 Deck ; Every deck is structured differently, making it suitable for many learning styles. We’ll take a quick look at each. While Step 1 stuff is quite amenable to the cloze format, Step 2 content often focuses on diagnosis and next step. All this management/algorithms, especially IM, FM, Peds, build on the Step 1 knowledge and having that leads to the new knowledge "making sense". I'm sure that deck is fine. It's ben getting me through the shelfs and I've actually been able to keep up with reviews due to the lower number of cards. As I went through each rotation, studying from UWorld or other resources, I added high yield pieces of information to Anki. Timecodes:00:14 How to update from Dorian06:08 How to update from Cheesy Dorian09:32 How to update from Zanki Step How to update using the special fields add. FYI the AnKing deck has cheesy dorian and tzanki built in so you can unsuspend only what you like. ago. UWorld for Step 3: many of the questions in UWorld Step 3 are repeated concepts from Step 2, except there’s only 1600 questions. Zanki/Anking Psychiatry Anki Deck (most popular). osteopain0824 • 6 mo. The formatting of the cards is also slightly different. Target: 255+. PsychStruck • 2 yr. A good portion of the. 2 weeks anki, 2 weeks amboss, 2 weeks uworld and squeeze the nbmes in between. Text. Go to the v9 deck reddit post and look for the first comment.