Also, you can get a ton of them off portable sawmills. They’re both pretty bad, shakes is a substantial exp loss and planks are only really a gp save with a low exp/protean value. They were previously available to members only, but became available to free players on 24 April 2015. You can also convert them at the sawmill in priff. If you have a lot of them stockpiled, they basically make the plank box completely. ago. Bye. To advance, most players use oak, teak, or. 16K subscribers 6K views 6 years ago So im currently getting the most experience from what i feel to be the best Afk method for construction with massive experience drops along the way! I also. Hides - Okay choice because of how crafting is usually expensive (and inconvenient due to buy limits for bstaves/dstones). Not anymore. The experience gained is also affected by boons. Can protean logs turn into planks? Contents Can protean logs turn into planks? Which protean item is best rs3? Where can I get planks in rs3? How do you convert to Protean? Do proteans work on portables? How do I upgrade my workbench rs3? The protean memory is a Divination training item that can be won from Treasure Hunter. RuneScape MMORPG Role-playing video game MMO Gaming. As other said, the offhands are the best option( the orthen furnace and the new torch). ago. 1 year ago. Protean items will work for the Gathering and Artisan tasks. They were first properly available on Treasure Hunter from 26 January 2017, though they were added to the game API (and temporarily to the game as a glitch) over a month earlier on 19 December 2016 (update). One essence will be consumed per action, with one action occurring every 4. I give my. ago. These are materials used for the. . Alternatively, a player may use protean planks on a portable workbench to create the flatpacks next to Ghrim, cutting out the need for banking. How many protean planks would I need for 120 construction on dxp? I got 90k protean planks stocked. The most cost-effective use of protean planks while making furniture or flatpacks is to treat them as stackable mahogany planks, and make items such as mahogany tables, flotsam prawnbrokers or mahogany armchairs or mahogany flatpacks. I think they plank box should be a supply box for the things you. Any ideas where I can find a calculator or an equation that I can use to figure out the XP/Plank for Protean Planks? Advertisement Coins. Xp is based on the type of plank. If you set the Flatpack Depacker to 'disassemble' mode then it pretty much pays for the crafted parts to make the depacker. . So im currently getting the most experience from what i feel to be the best Afk method for construction with massive experience drops along. The most cost-effective use of protean planks is to treat them as stackable mahogany planks , and make items such as mahogany tables, flotsam prawnbrokers or mahogany armchair flatpacks. Protean Item Calculator. Construction has always been one of the fastest skills even before EOC. Protean logs can be turned to planks via regular sawmills, saving some proteans compared to converting in the option for it. Players can get the Baby Yaga's House pet drop as well as strange and golden rocks from fixing furniture for a contract. PennStater3 and player • 3 yr. 6 Level 63 to 99 (Cheaper Method) Stop using your PROTEAN TRAPS wrong | BEST Protean traps method Protoxx 95. . 4 Recommended training methods 4. Crafting catalysts can be used with protean hides. You'll be able to make 27 before having to click again. Each powerup lasts for 5 minutes per activation, stacking up to 2 hours (a maximum of 24 powerups can be used at one time). Smithing is extremely slow with proteans so not worthwhile during dxp. 1. Its just like with normal POH training, using proteans will. Not the item made. Protean traps can be won from Treasure Hunter. The proteans are basically a stackable, universal plank you can use for any furniture requiring planks of any kind. Denkir-the-Filtiarn • 2 yr. Crypto. 2. RuneScape MMORPG Role-playing video game MMO Gaming . The protean memory is a Divination training item that can be won from Treasure Hunter. Comment deleted by user · 7 yr. I believe you will save the most planks that way (therefore get the most xp). Logs to planks with portable sawmill still works for a 1 to 1. level 2. Protean traps are the best hunter exp at carrion jadinkos on dino island. The bag would have the cost of the mahogany materials, so I could make money off the otherwise useless planks. Players design their house by arranging various square rooms and then filling them with furniture specific to the type of room, giving experience in the process. Logs for firemaking are also great if you dislike leveling it up and want a great xp/h. Especially handy now that dxp is active, it'll probably be easy to find a portable sawmill somewhere. Have about 9k proteans and the outfit. I would suggest saving proteans for dxp, but from what i remember. Mahogany planks may be used to make furniture in a player-owned house or flatpacks. Like the plank maker, she can turn four kinds of logs into planks. You can select either a level from, experience from and level to or experience to, and the calculator will automatically tell you how many of each protean you need to. • 5 yr. I'm not 100% sure but it would explain why you can't use them to make items that require regular planks. You can use protean logs on a portable sawmill to get protean planks at a return ratio of 1:1 instead of converting them at 3:2. Get some grenwall tickets from Big Chin and camp grenwalls for good xp and great profit. This calculator is unfinished. Protean planks can be used to substitute for any kind of plank in Construction, so the best use would be to build something involving mahogany planks and they will function as a replacement. Treat patch with compost, supercompost, or ultracompost (cannot be. Is there any calculators out there that can compare the gp/xp saved for protean items? Thank you. If you find this video to me helpful, a comment, follow and a like is always ap. Protean planks stack in the inventory, eliminating. Each hide takes 3 seconds to process, resulting in a maximum usage of 1200 hides per hour. I just finished using my protean logs, then went to use my planks and I could only convert. It requires 52 Construction, and 6 mahogany planks to build. Using a plank to make furniture in Construction grants. Each hide takes 3 seconds to process, resulting in a maximum usage of 1200 hides per hour without protean powerups. I have a a couple thousand protean planks. I know you cant get pets from using proteans but can you get the pet while making flotsam prawnbrokers while using mohagany planks while you have. Construction contract and protean planks. you can use them, just use them in small amounts near a bank [mage arena bank, for instance,] or in spots literally nobody visits- i used a large stack of protean logs with firemaking brawling gloves at the furthest corner of the map, in 56 wildy [which only 8 squares exist of] / the north wilderness volcano. It can be upgraded via the same shop, first to 50 of each plank for 150 credits, then 100 of each plank for 300 credits. Upon saving a plank, players receive the message The. So whatever training method you like. With a cost of 1,350 per plank to change a log to a plank, I lost 1,850k making the planks but in the process gained 3,910 protean planks as a secondary. . So, I guess they are just following that here, too. 2m on a bxp weekend). At low Construction levels, players typically make their own planks, use clay or limestone, and explore different rooms and furniture. This is split into tiers corresponding to the different levels at which divine energy are unlocked (see below for exact experience values). I think it's a bit weird that protean planks can be used for mahogany planks, protean bars can be used for rune bars, but with protean traps you are effectively blocked from the most effective Hunter training. Each powerup lasts for 5 minutes per activation, stacking up to 2 hours (a maximum of 24 powerups can. Firemaking is an artisan skill that is used to burn logs to create a fire, often to cook raw food on the spot. Crafting catalysts can be used with protean hides. Build stuff in your POH. Ct is mostly lazy and gives the least amount of xp per resource. Construction is already insanely fast and pretty afk. Simoleon2017 • 2 yr. Going to be making protean planks off and on, getting 120 cape by summer, 200m by the end of the year. Protean powerups are items which increase the speed of processing protean items by one game tick (0. Help please. Best use for Protean Planks. In my opinion, the proteans you want to be using are Essence/traps/logs. For all items, click here. Protean planks, as with all protean items, can be converted at a 3:2 ratio into other protean items. . Protean hides are used to earn Crafting experience without creating any items, rewarded from Treasure Hunter. It can only be entered by paying Murcaily 100 trading sticks, which can be obtained from the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup minigame or purchased on the Grand Exchange. The "Make All" option really does mean all. On double XP this translates to 240xp, and using all those planks making mahog tables flatpacks, I will cost me 2gp/xp. Introduction/Basics [Runescape 3] Protean Item Review | What is the best Protean to get? | Comparison to regular methods Tonix RS 24K subscribers Subscribe 170 21K views 5 years ago This is an. Construction is an expensive skill to train. Traps are by far the best xp/protean, so it’s the easiest skill to get to 120 strictly with them. This is an updated Protean Pack review for 2017 for each Protean. In order to use the essence, the player must craft runes on a runecrafting altar with at least one essence in their backpack. Though it'll have a percentage on how many it'll convert, like if you want 200 Protean logs, you will need 250 protean material for it. The table below lists the profit (or loss) made from buying logs, having them converted into planks by the sawmill operator and selling the planks. Protean logs can be used for Fletching or Firemaking training, or you can turn them into planks at a sawmill. You can do something like mahogany tables purely out of planks I think? RuneScape MMORPG Role-playing video game MMO Gaming. As far as planks go, the more you use to build something, the more efficient it is, as each plank is worth a set amount of exp, instead of it varying item to item. Fully upgrading the plank box awards the Absolute Planker achievement, which is a. It requires 52 Construction, and 6 mahogany planks to build. g. Waiting out until summer for the beach event may seem tempting, however planks arent that expensive, and wasting 20+ hours at the beach event is ridiculous when you could have spent 3 hours money making and 2 hours doing. 5m xp/h. If you're going to use the planks with bxp/double xp/enlightenment you'll only need about 40k protean planks for 99, so that's about 20 hours of. If you have efficient construction unlocked from dungeoneering, build something that costs 3 planks. Powerbursts are 5-6m xp/h with a loss of only like 2-3gp/xp. . When an item from inventory is used on magic notepaper, it will instantly convert that item (and any identical items) into notes, thus allowing the items to stack. Protean hides, as with all protean items, can be converted at a 3:2 ratio into other protean items. 4 Level 52 to 99 (easier method) 4. Contents Gameplay Beneficial items Equipment 1. First, what is the traditional training method like for the skill? So im currently getting the most experience from what i feel to be the best Afk method for construction with massive experience drops along the way! I also s. 2 Level 19 to 33 4. This thread is archived. Use bank presets to withdraw the logs quickly. . When going for 99 they dont really make much difference in the end eg thieving is already a very fast skill, the suit will barely save you any time and these proteans will only get a couple of levels, the bars for example give maximum 1. Planks made using it receive a 10% discount. He can turn four kinds of logs into planks (see sawmill), and also runs a Construction Supplies shop selling bolts of cloth, three kinds of nails, and saws. Best. . Planks can be used to make Construction furniture, flatpacks. Protean planks give the same amount of experience as the types of planks typically used for construction; however, protean planks are stackable. 60 protean bars can be used at once in the Make-X interface. I get ~4k protean planks per 0k mahogany logs (mahogany are the best - highest % for possibility of protean plank). I’d like to use my protean planks this DXP to train construction. With the noted flatpack thing going on this weekend, you can just sit at a workbench and use up all your planks for super 1337 AFK exp* *except you have to keep yourself logged in by moving your camera every few minutes like with every other fucking aspect of the gameProtean bars can be won on Treasure Hunter, and could be claimed via the 2016 Christmas Advent Calendar. He gets info that protean planks work for Cons (which is very odd as no other protean works and Jagex said this everywhere). Hides and bars arent the fastest xp rates but saves. When built, it gives the player 840 Construction experience . It acts as a workbench when deployed. Premium Powerups Explore. . The trick is that protean plank works as any plank, but it is stackable = big advantage! 1st thing you want to know if you really want to use this method is "where are those sawmills?" and you can find that out by simply joining friends chat Portables FC. With all of these boosts, they're big profit due to doubled potions and saved ingredients. Protean logs are items that can be used to gain experience in Firemaking and/or Fletching. So, No. Magic notepaper is a reward from Treasure Hunter and clover necklaces, and can be purchased with 500 thaler for 100 magic notepapers. When built, it gives the player 840 Construction experience. Protean Planks can be used to replace Mahogany Planks, which gives them a worth of 2k Seems hard to argue that you are "saving money" by using logs as logs instead of converting them to planks. He is making cape racks, they use 4 planks each and is COMPLETELY AFK. Aside from grenwalls they're the best creatures you can catch with these. zylgan • 4 yr. Treating protean planks as stackable mahogany planks and making items like mahogany tables, flotsam prawnbrokers, or mahogany armchair flatpacks is the most cost-effective use. They are used in Construction to make mahogany frames. The planks should be used to create Mahogany tables. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Plank box allows you to store [25, 50, 100] of each type of plank. 2 is profitable. So whatever training method you like involving that would be best. I don't know about bars, but planks are best used on high-tier construction challenges (replacing mahogany planks), as you'll be paid the supply cost of mahogany planks by Challenge Mistress Fara when you turn in your flatpacks. It seems smithing should be the best than crafting for me. grenwalls on Anachronia), especially that DXP should come soon.